1. National University Debating Championship (NUDC)
The aim of NUDC is all active students of the Bachelor Program or Diploma in Higher Education within the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education that are registered in the Higher Education Database (Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi (PD-Dikti).
For further information: https://lldikti1.ristekdikti.go.id//berkas/pedomanNUDC2019Update.pdf

2. KDMI (Students Debate Competition)
The participant of KDMI is all active students of the Bachelor Program or Diploma in Higher Education within the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education that registered in the Higher Education Database (Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi (PD-Dikti).
For further information: https://www.kopertis7.go.id/uploadmateri_pedoman/PEDOMAN-KDMI-2019.Pdf

3. Pilmapres (The Most Excellent Students Competition)
The implementation of Pilmapres conducted by The Ministry of Education and Culture begins with the selection at the College level. Participants who pass the College level selection then register online to participate in Stage 1 selection. Participants who pass Stage 1 have the right to participate in Stage 2 selection after fulfilling the requirements. Participants who pass the Stage 2 Will be invited to the Final Stage selection.
For further information: https://lldikti5.ristekdikti.go.id/home/detailpost/pemilihan-mahasiswa- berprestasi-pilmapres-tahun-2020

4. Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha (Students’ Entrepreneurship Program)
For further information: https://pmw.unesa.ac.id/